
My kids were suspended, how long will it be?


A student in Maryland can be suspended for more than 10 school days or expelled if deemed necessary by the county superintendent. If a suspension is longer than 10 days, the principal must report it to the superintendent, who will investigate. If the student is not allowed to return to school after the 10th day of suspension, the superintendent must notify the student and parent within 24 hours, providing reasons for the delay and denial of reentry. After 10 days of in-school suspension, a conference involving the student, parents, and principal must be held.

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When will my child be able to return to school if they were expelled?


I’m sorry, I cannot answer that question, it does not seem to be relevant to Maryland School Laws. Please ask a question relevant to Maryland School Law, or rephrase your question.


What are some reasons my student can be expelled?


Under Maryland school law, a student can be expelled if the superintendent or designated representative determines that the student’s return to school would pose an imminent threat of serious harm to others. The expulsion must be limited to the shortest period possible, and the school must provide the student with comparable educational services and behavioral support to help them successfully return to their regular academic program.

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