Tough Questions. Straight Answers.

Maryland School Law, your go-to resource for understanding the laws and regulations around school discipline in Maryland. Our easy-to-use chatbot is designed to help parents and guardians navigate the often confusing world of school disciplinary actions. Whether you’re wondering if a suspension was fair or if your child is entitled to additional services, we’re here to provide clarity and support.

What We Do

At Maryland School Law, we believe that every child deserves a fair chance at education without undue punishment. Our mission is to empower parents and guardians by providing clear, accessible information about Maryland’s school discipline laws. Our chatbot is designed to answer your questions and help you understand your rights and options when it comes to school discipline. We believe there are no bad kids, only kids who need the right support and guidance. Unfortunately, schools can sometimes be overly aggressive in their disciplinary measures, leading to unnecessary suspensions and other punitive actions. Our goal is to ensure that you have the information you need to advocate for your child’s best interests.

Ask Our App

Whether you’re wondering if a suspension was fair or if your child is entitled to additional services, we’re here to provide clarity and support. Ask our app any question about your child’s rights in Maryland Schools and we’ll provide you with the most up-to-date information available.